Natural Minor scale played in F minor in 2nd Position on the F Natural Minor harmonica.
Notice the second note requires a bend on draw 3.Click here for more info.

2nd Position: Minor Blues, Reggae, Ska, Latin, Funk, R&B, Hip Hop
With an F Natural Minor (Fm) harmonica in its holder, play a sparse bassline on your guitar. Chop on the backbeat with an F minor chord (draw on lower range of the harmonica) and an B♭m minor chord (blow).
Strum a Reggae rhythm.

Try a minor Blues.
Or try it with a minor Reggae groove such as “Swing Easy Riddim” or “Stand Up For Your Rights.” Or play a funkier rhythm for a two-chord tune, like Hip Hop harmonica player Bad News Brown.

The Natural Minor harmonica will also play the relative Major scale. Shown here is an A♭ Major scale played on the F Natural Minor harmonica.

Strum these chords on your guitar to play in a Major mode.

For more about the Natural Minor Harmonica, check out this chord reference guide.