Lee Oskar Harmonicas rolls out signature Quick Start Kits and educational website geared for singer-songwriters and instrumentalists of all kinds, levels and styles.
Harmonica virtuoso Lee Oskar introduces his innovative QuickGuide system geared for instrumentalists of all kinds and singer-songwiters, featuring Lee Oskar QuickStart harmonica kits, supported by the extended educational website, leeoskarquickguide.com.
These exciting new resources and tools work together to help all kinds of musicians fully access what Oskar refers to as the “magic, versatility and artistic power of the harmonica.”
In the words of Lee Oskar, “For all kinds of musicians, the harmonica offers endless possibilities for artistic exploration—it’s an incomparable instrument that can add mesmerizing energy, depth, spice and soul to your music. Not only is the harp a natural for instrumentalists like guitar, ukulele and piano players, harmonicas are the ideal resource for singer/songwriters and composers for making melodies and coming up with hook lines for all kinds of music.”

As the first of a series of Lee Oskar Quick Start kits, the inaugural Guitar/Ukulele kit features 4 harmonicas, including the Major Diatonic (Key of C)--for Folk, Country, Blues, Rock and Pop Music along with three alternate tunings for playing a wide array of musical genres and styles:
- Melody Maker (Key of G)--for R & B, Country, Reggae, Pop, Jazz, Latin, Afro and Ska Music
- Natural Minor (Key of Am)--for Minor Blues, Reggae, Ska, Latin, Funk, R & B, Hip-Hop Music
- Harmonic Minor (Key of Am)--for Gypsy, Yiddish, Asian, East European, Tango, Reggae Music
The Lee Oskar Quick Start Kits come with a soft cloth pouch to hold the (4) harmonicas, a harmonica holder and a 16-page instructional booklet that is supported by the educational website, www.leeoskarquickguide.com .
This educational resource for the musical community provides an online support system with clear, easy-to-follow guidance and videos, organized by instrument for each of the four tunings in the Quick Start Kits.